UCA News
This Week@UCA November 6-12, 2020
- November 5, 2020
- Posted by: School
- Category: Uncategorized

Greetings Friends,
As we enter this Thanksgiving season, there are oodles of items on our thankful list I’m sure. As living most of my life in Canada, our Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October. So that is usually at the end of the grain harvest and our garden harvest. It’s a time to share what God has blessed us with with others and to give God thanks for the safety during the busy harvest season. It’s also a time to prepare for winter. A written account of our thanks and blessings is a visual reminder how awesome our God is. Every Friday morning at 8:00 am, in the lobby of the Ad Building, we take time to pray for specific people and events. This week we are praying for Student Mental Health Department and Kyle and Stephanie Gladding. If you are on campus, we would love to have you join us. If not, please pray where ever you are.
Weather permitting, Sabbath afternoon will be a hike at Post Falls Dam. Bus loads at 1:30 pm from the flagpole. Saturday night activities consist of cardboard box races. This event will start at 6:15 pm in the gym. Teams of at least 2. Prizes up for grabs. Amateur hour dress rehearsal is Thursday evening from 6:00-7:30.
2020-2021 Home Leave schedule for Thanksgiving Break
Looking Ahead
Amateur Hour Dress Rehearsal November 12
Amateur Hour November 14
Last Day of Class before Break November 19
Thanksgiving Break November 20-29
Midterm December 1
ASB Christmas Tree Lighting December 2