UCA News
This Week@UCA December 10-16, 2021
- December 9, 2021
- Posted by: School
- Category: Uncategorized

Merry Christmas,
In just a few days, our kids will be leaving for their homes. Campus becomes extremely quiet. The silence is ok for a few days, after that, I’m missing the noise. This is the last edition of This Week@UCA for 2021 which is packed with useful information. My heart warms when I read Isaiah 40:28 “Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.” May you enjoy your time together with family and friends.
COVID Update
It has been such a blessing to have no cases of COVID at UCA in quite a while and to have had very few since school began. Parents, thank you for keeping your students who were sick home after Thanksgiving break while they recovered. I appreciate your diligence in helping our other students stay healthy from whatever bugs are going around.
Christmas break is just around the corner. Everyone is looking forward to the time off. Many of you will travel and spend time with family and friends. I hope and pray that it is a blessed time for you and your family. Please, do not send your student back to school if they are sick at the end of Christmas break. Keep them home until they are well. I would also appreciate it if you would keep your student home if anyone in the household is sick until COVID has been ruled out. Thank you!
Cindy Williams RN BSN
Student Health Services
Phone: (509) 245-3616
Esports State Championship game!
A big congratulations to our varsity esports Rocket League team for making it all the way to the state finals! Omar Entezar (Oms), Maddox Mack (Blizerdd), and Logan Henneberg (Deadeye) will be playing live in the UCA cafeteria on Thursday night at 5:30pm. The cafeteria will be serving pizza and drinks for the night, and our very own Dean Hess will be giving us the play-by-play commentary! For those that are unable to attend live, you can watch it live online at Twitch with live professional commentators!
This is an exciting opportunity for UCA to be competing for the title of “Best High School Rocket League Team in Washington”. Pray for the players, the competitors, and everyone that is involved to receive a blessing from this opportunity!
YouTube Subscribers!
The Upper Columbia Academy YouTube channel needs your help! We are trying to get 1000 subscribers to the channel to open up more options and opportunities for streaming. You can help by going to Upper Columbia Academy YouTube and clicking on the Subscribe button in right corner of the page.
Students are free to leave for Christmas break after their last appointment on Thursday, December 16. Students involved in the musical concert at the Fox may leave with their parents after the concert is over. If you are taking your student from the Fox Theater, please check in with the deans at the north doors of the theater before you leave. Please see the attached Christmas home leave bus schedule. Classes will resume January 3, 2022. The UCA dorms will reopen on Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 5:00pm.
Joe Hess
Upper Columbia Academy
509-245-3641 office