UCA News
This Week@UCA, September 27 – October 3, 2019
- September 26, 2019
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA Uncategorized

Dear UCA Family,
Friday Morning Prayer
Every Friday morning at 8 am, in the lobby of the ad building, we get together to pray for specific people and events. This week we are praying for Shelley Bacon, Amanda Birney, and our alumni. If you are on campus, we would love to have you join us. If not, please pray for us wherever you are.
Alumni Homecoming Weekend
We are happy to welcome our alumni guests back to UCA this weekend, September 27-29, 2019. Registration will begin in the gym at 6:00 p.m. on Friday evening, and vespers will be at 7:30 p.m. in the gym. The Sabbath service will start at 10:00 a.m. and will be in the gym. After the service, lunch will be provided for our guests, also in the gym.
Children’s Sabbath School and Church, September 28, 2019
Children’s Sabbath School classes will meet in the UCA Church beginning at 10:00 a.m. There will be an interactive children’s church service with music, stories, skits, crafts and more in the Church sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. This is for children 12 years old and younger. The theme is “Bringing Your Friends to Jesus.”
Amateur Hour
Amateur Hour is the talent show that happens during our Family Weekend, and it is on November 23, 2019. Students who wish to participate can pick up an audition form from the Principal’s Office or from either dorm. Auditions are on October 22, 2019.
Cambodia Mission Trip
The Cambodia Mission trip will be led by our Principal, Eric Johnson. For more information, or to participate in the trip, please email Eric at eric.johnson@ucaa.org.
- We will be going to Siem Reap, Cambodia. We will be staying at an orphanage and school that is run by an Adventist family. Our main focus will be on the children there at the orphanage. We will hold a VBS program each afternoon for the students in addition to completing a construction project. We will also set up a dental and a vision clinic to help the students.
- On Sabbath, we will divide the group and go out to village churches. The students will preach with a translator and be able to interact with the local church members.
- We will take a day to visit Angkor Wat temple complex.
- On a couple of evenings, we will go into Siem Reap and visit the night markets.
- We will depart UCA on Sunday evening, March 15 and return early on Friday morning, March 27.
- The total cost for the trip is $1,900. This includes all food, lodging, airfare, excursion to Angkor Wat and fee for visa to enter Cambodia.
Mr. Johnson is currently looking for a dentist and an optometrist or ophthalmologist that can lead out in our dental/vision clinic. He is also looking for some adults who would like to help with the construction project and VBS program. A $100 deposit must be paid by October 14. Mr. Johnson will be giving the students letters that they can write to help raise the needed funds.
Malawi Mission Trip
This year we will travel to the continent of Africa. There we will hold evangelistic meetings, a medical clinic, a VBS, and remodel classrooms and faculty homes. The location is a boarding school called Lunjika in Malawi. We will leave on March 15 and return on March 27. The cost of the trip for students is $2,500. Some adults are needed to go on the trip, and applications for students and adults are available in the Principal’s Office. Please contact Charles or Loralee Paulson, President/Director of Operation Planet, for more information. (509) 869-7795, chuck.p63@gmail.com.
Class Elections
Class Elections will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2019, beginning at 3rd period. Note the change from the calendar. We moved the elections so our UCA Extension students could be on campus and participate. Locations for each class will be announced–watch the digital screens.
HOPE Sign-Ups
Our second HOPE Taskforce day is coming up on October 9, 2019. The sign-ups for projects will be available in the cafeteria on Wednesday, October 2, at lunch time.
School Picture Day
School Picture Day is October 8, 2019. Pictures will be taken in the Industrial Arts Building classroom from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please plan to come get your picture taken during these times. These photos will be published in the yearbook and will be printed on your student ID cards. Seniors must be photographed even if they are planning to submit a senior portrait for the yearbook. Please be in compliance with UCA’s Dress Code policy. Dress Code Policy
School Picture Orders
Parents, school pictures are available to order! Visit ios.mydorian.com for online ordering and exclusive package options. Your online access key is H7XGUR45. If you want an order form sent to you by mail, please contact Kris by emailing kris.dalrymple@ucaa.org or calling (509) 245-3614. Paper order forms must be submitted with payment on the day of pictures. Please have your student bring them when they come to get their picture taken. For online orders after picture day, please remember: Up to 4 days after picture day, order online using the link and the access code above. Your pictures, with the default blue background, will arrive at the school along with all the other Picture Day orders. Order envelopes cannot be accepted after picture day. After the 4-day grace period expires, a personalized access key will be sent home with picture delivery. A $7 shipping and handling fee will be added to all orders made with a personalized access key and orders ship directly home. You are welcome to order at picture retake day, November 14, 2019, and there will be no extra shipping fee for orders placed, either online or by paper envelope, on that day.
06-This Week@UCA–September 27, 2019
Alumni Weekend September 27-29
WWU Fall Classic October 3-6
School Picture Day October 8
HOPE October 9
Sunday School October 13
October Home Leave October 16-20
Amateur Hour Auditions October 22
2nd Quarter Begins October 28
PSAT October 30