UCA News
This Week@UCA October 26, 2018
- October 25, 2018
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA

Dear UCA Family,
Whether it feels like it or not, the end of the first quarter has arrived. Make sure all assignments are in, and grades are where you want them to be! Second quarter will begin Monday, October 29.
Monday Morning Prayer Time
Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. in the lobby of the ad building, we will be having our weekly prayer time. If you are on campus, please join us! We will be praying for Judy & Vicente Castrejón and the Junior Girls. If you are not on campus, we would still love to have you pray for them wherever you are.
Music Tour
On October 26, our choraliers and orchestra members are headed on a tour to Omak and Brewster. The buses are loading at the flag pole at 1:00 p.m. The first performance is at 7:00 p.m. in Omak. Sabbath morning, they will be performing for church in Brewster, and later that evening perform for vespers at 5:30 p.m. They should arrive back on campus on Saturday at 10:00 p.m.
Red Cross
The Red Cross will be on campus on November 7 for a blood drive. By Washington State law, students 18 years of age and older may sign their own papers and donate blood. Students 16-17 years of age may donate with parental permission. If you wish to let your 16 or 17 year old student donate blood, you can find the parental permission document as well as answers to frequently asked questions on the school website at ucaa.org/redcross. You may fill out the permission slip and have your child bring it back to school after home leave. Thank you for your consideration of this service to our community.
TechnicArts Fair
The TechnicArts Fair will be November 1, 2018. For more information or to register, contact Mrs. Bacon at shelley.bacon@ucaa.org.
Christmas Cookies
This year, we are doing something new for our ASB Christmas Tree Lighting. We’d like to showcase, and of course, eat, your family’s favorite Christmas cookie. You can send a picture of your recipe to jessica.ing@ucaa.org or send a hard copy to the Principal’s Office. Your cookie recipe will be entered into a drawing to be baked by our café for the tree lighting event, as well as a drawing for a Harvester Milkshake. We hope to see your recipes soon!
School Picture Retakes
School picture retakes will be November 15, 2018. If you missed the first picture day, please plan ahead to have your picture taken on November 15.
Menus 18-19
This Week@UCA #10 October 26 – November 1, 2018
Looking Ahead
October 26 Senior Pictures, Senior Yearbook Tributes, Graduation Tribute photos due
October 26 End First Quarter
October 26-27 Music Tour (Brewster/Omak)
October 29 Begin Second Quarter
November 7 ASB Blood Drive
November 9-10 Music Tour
November 15 Amateur Hour Dress Rehearsal/School Picture Retakes
November 16 FoundationONE Assembly
November 16 FoundationONE Dinner
November 16-18 Family Weekend
November 17 Amateur Hour
November 18 Parent-Teacher Conferences/Student Dismissal – 12:30 p.m.
November 19-25 Thanksgiving Break
November 25 Dorms reopen at 5:00 p.m.
November 26 Classes resume