UCA News
This Week@UCA October 10-16, 2019
- October 10, 2019
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: Uncategorized

Dear UCA Family,
Friday Morning Prayer
Every Friday morning at 8 am, in the lobby of the ad building, we get together to pray for specific people and events. This week we are praying for Curtis Anderson and his wife, Bridget. We are also praying for the UCA Music Department. If you are on campus, we would love to have you join us. If not, please pray with us wherever you are.
Sunday School
Sunday, October 13, 2019, is a school day. It will be a B day, and we will follow the same schedule we use on Tuesdays. The schedule is attached. Class Schedule 2019-2020
Sunday School for UCA Extension Students
UCA Extension students will be joining classes from home on Sunday, October 13, 2019. It will be a B day, and we will follow the same schedule we use on Tuesdays. The schedule is attached. Class Schedule 2019-2020
Home Leave
Home leave begins on Wednesday, October 16, 2019, at 12:30 p.m., and the dorms will re-open on Sunday, October 20, at 5:00 p.m. If you are riding the home leave buses, please be at the flagpole ready to go promptly at 12:35 p.m. Students will sign up for home leave transportation through email. Attached is the bus schedule, and contact information for the drivers. 2019-2020 Home Leave transportation info
College Fair
College Fair is happening on October 16, 2019, from 10:05 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the UCA Gym. This is required for seniors, and juniors are allowed to attend if they are able to do so without missing other appointments. Please contact Charles Hartman in the Registrar’s Office if you have any questions. Email registrar@ucaa.org, or you may call (509) 245-3627.
Senior Portraits
Senior Portraits are due on November 1, 2019. Please see the attached document for more information about what is needed, and how to submit the photos. Senior Portraits Letter 2019
Senior Yearbook Tributes
Parents of seniors: You will be hearing from the Yearbook Staff next week regarding the Senior Yearbook Tributes. These tributes are due on November 1, and we will be working with you to let you know how to submit photos or design your tribute, depending on which option you chose. If you did not fill out a form, but would still like to purchase a tribute page for your senior, please contact Kris Dalrymple by calling (509) 245-3614, or emailing kris.dalrymple@ucaa.org.
UCA Spiritwear
The online store for UCA Spiritwear is open and ready to accept orders. The official flyer is attached. Just click on the SHOP NOW button on the flyer and you will be directed into the store. If you have any questions, you can contact Coach at bryce.reading@ucaa.org or call (509) 245-3664. UCA Spiritwear 2019
Amateur Hour
Amateur Hour is the talent show that happens during our Family Weekend, and it is on November 23, 2019. Students who wish to participate can pick up an audition form from the Principal’s Office or from either dorm. Auditions are on October 22, 2019, and audition forms must be turned in to the Boys’ Dean’s Office by October 16, 2019.
School Pictures
School Pictures were taken on Tuesday, October 8. If you ordered a package from Dorian Studio, it will be delivered to the Principal’s Office, and your student can pick it up. We will notify students when the pictures arrive. If you wish to order photos of your student, you can do so by going to ios.dorianstudio.com. The access key is H7XGUR45. Orders placed after October 15 will be shipped separately to your home, and there is a $7 shipping and handling charge. If you order after October 15, please contact Dorian Studio for an access code, either by emailing www.dorianstudio.com/support, or by calling (800) 826-3535.
Cambodia Mission Trip
The Cambodia Mission trip will be led by our Principal, Eric Johnson. For more information, or to participate in the trip, please email Eric at eric.johnson@ucaa.org.
- We will be going to Siem Reap, Cambodia. We will be staying at an orphanage and school that is run by an Adventist family. Our main focus will be on the children there at the orphanage. We will hold a VBS program each afternoon for the students in addition to completing a construction project. We will also set up a dental and a vision clinic to help the students.
- On Sabbath, we will divide the group and go out to village churches. The students will preach with a translator and be able to interact with the local church members.
- We will take a day to visit Angkor Wat temple complex.
- On a couple of evenings, we will go into Siem Reap and visit the night markets.
- We will depart UCA on Sunday evening, March 15 and return early on Friday morning, March 27.
- The total cost for the trip is $1,900. This includes all food, lodging, airfare, excursion to Angkor Wat and fee for visa to enter Cambodia.
Mr. Johnson is currently looking for a dentist and an optometrist or ophthalmologist that can lead out in our dental/vision clinic. He is also looking for some adults who would like to help with the construction project and VBS program. A $100 deposit must be paid by October 14. Mr. Johnson will be giving the students letters that they can write to help raise the needed funds.
Malawi Mission Trip
This year we will travel to the continent of Africa. There we will hold evangelistic meetings, a medical clinic, a VBS, and remodel classrooms and faculty homes. The location is a boarding school called Lunjika in Malawi. We will leave on March 15 and return on March 27. The cost of the trip for students is $2,500. Some adults are needed to go on the trip, and applications for students and adults are available in the Principal’s Office. Please contact Charles or Loralee Paulson, President/Director of Operation Planet, for more information. (509) 869-7795, chuck.p63@gmail.com.
This Week@UCA–October 11, 2019
Sunday School October 13
October Home Leave October 16-20
Amateur Hour Auditions October 22
2nd Quarter Begins October 28
PSAT October 30
TechnicArts Fair October 31
Music Tour November 1-2
SAT November 3
Acro Fest November 7-9