UCA News
This Week@UCA April 12-18, 2019
- April 11, 2019
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA

Dear UCA Family,
Friday Morning Prayer Time
Every Friday morning, we have prayer time in the lobby of the Ad Building at 8:00 a.m. If you are on campus, we would love to have you join us. If not, please pray for us wherever you are. This week we are praying for the Athletic Program and Bryce & Jill Reading.
Music/Acro Tours
Next Wednesday, Band, Orchestra, Choraliers, and Acro will be heading out to Oregon and California on a tour. Please pray for their safe travels! We have provided the itinerary below, so feel free to watch any of the performances that you can!
BAND: California Tour Itinerary 2019
ACRO: Team Long Tour Oregon Itinerary 2019
Campus Schedule During Tours
For those students remaining on campus while the touring groups are gone, the class schedule will be adjusted. You can pick up a schedule in the Principal’s Office. Watch the digital screens for announcements, as well.
Looking Ahead
April 14 ASB Spring Party
April 17-21 Music/Acro Soul Tour
April 28 Sunday School
April 28 UCA Gala, Fernando Ortega Concert
April 28-May 1 Marine Biology Trip
May 1-5 Home Leave
May 6-11 Spring Week of Prayer
May 13 Spring Picnic
May 14 AP Calculus Test
May 15 AP English Test
May 17 ASB Election Assembly