UCA News
This Week at UCA – 9/9/16
- September 9, 2016
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA

Dear UCA Family,
“…in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Our seniors will be leaving on Sunday for Senior Survival and returning on Friday. Some may be going with trepidation but most look forward to it with anticipation. This will be a special time with each other and with God. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Standardized testing for Freshmen and Sophomores will take place on Monday and Tuesday, October 17 and 18, and not next week as first scheduled. Students will be expected to attend all classes before and after the testing times.
Students planning to ride the UCA home-leave buses please reply to the transportation email by Friday, September 16. It is very important for parents to be early at the drop-off/pick-up points. The bus driver is on a very tight schedule, and it affects everyone if they wait for late arrivals. Thank you for helping us be on time by ensuring your student is on time.
UCAF Golf Tournament
Calling all golfers: You are invited to participate in a golf tournament to raise money for scholarships for Upper Columbia Academy students. The tournament will be at MeadowWood Golf Course on September 30, at 9:30 a.m. The $100 registration fee covers range balls, 18 holes of golf with cart, gift bag, and an all-you-can-eat buffet. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other Christian golfers and win some awesome prizes. See brochure attached. For more info contact Linda Klinger at: www.linda.klinger@foundationoneuca.org or 509-939-1716.
THIS WEEK AT UCA and the Menu are attached.
Senior Survival | Sun-Fri, Sept 11-16 |
Class Vespers | Fri, Sept 16 |
ASB Church | Sabbath, Sept 17 |
Sunday School | Sun, Sept 18 |
Let’s Move Day | Sun, Sept 18 |
Midterm | Mon, Sept 19 |
Senior College Fair | Wed, Sept 21 |
Home Leave | Wed-Sun, Sept 21-25 |
Senior Pictures Due | Mon, Sept 26 |
HOPE Taskforce Sign-up | Wed, Sept 28 |
Alumni Weekend | Fri-Sun, Sept 30-Oct 2 |
Class Elections | Mon, Oct 3 |
School Picture Day | Tues, Oct 4 |
Student-Faculty Council | Wed, Oct 5 |
WWU Fall Classic | Fri-Sun, Oct 7-9 |
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