UCA News
This Week at UCA – 8/28/17
- August 28, 2017
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA

Dear UCA Family,
Each year UCA has a variety of special functions which include meals for our day students. Please see the Day Student Meal list attached.
The Backpacking Trip will dsTUepart at 9:00 a.m. this Friday, September 1, and return by 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 3. They are going to Independence Creek in North Idaho. There is no cell reception in the area. Please contact Cindy Williams at Cindy.Williams@ucaa.org, or (509) 245-3616, if you have questions.
Freshmen will depart for their camp out at 3:15 p.m. this Friday, September 1, and return by approximately 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 3. If you have questions or would like to pick up your student at Yoke’s when they get back, please contact Dean Hess at Joe.Hess@ucaa.org or (509) 245-3641.
Labor Day, September 4, is a regular school day.
Fall Picnic will be at Camp MiVoden, Tuesday, September 5, and not August 29 as initially planned. Lunch and supper will be provided for everyone. Buses will load at 8:55 a.m., behind the cafeteria and will return to campus at 8:15 p.m. Day students, please sign up in the front office if you have special dietary needs or if you would like to be picked-up/dropped off at Yoke’s Fresh Market (Latah), Valley Mall Hobby Lobby parking lot, or at Hayden SDA Church. The sign-up sheets and times will be available in the front office on Wednesday, August 29.
Our seniors will be going on Senior Survival Sunday through Friday, September 10 – 15. Loading time is 10:30 Sunday morning to return at 2:30 on Friday afternoon. Some students may be going with trepidation but most look forward to it with anticipation. This will be a special time with each other and with God. Please contact Mr. Kravig, at Dean.Kravig@ucaa.org, for more information.
The standardized testing for Freshmen and Sophomores will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 12-13. Students will be expected to attend all classes before and after the testing times. There is no registration or additional charge for this test.
- We should have a senior tribute form from you indicating whether or not you are planning to have a senior tribute in the school yearbook. Thank you to those who already submitted them at registration. If you need a form to complete, please email yearbook@ucaa.org. Thank you!
- Senior pictures are due Monday, September 25, and should be emailed to yearbook@ucaa.org. The senior picture will be used for the senior composite as well, so head shots are encouraged. Please remember they must follow school dress code. If you have any questions, please feel free to email. Thank you!
- Senior tributes are due Monday, October 23. If designing, please note the correct size from the senior tribute form and email your hi res pdf, tiff, or jpeg to yearbook@ucaa.org. Thank you for keeping in mind UCA dress code and standards.
ThisWkUCA 9.1.17
Menu Aug 27-Sept 2
Day Student Activity Meals
Labor Day – Regular School Day | Mon, Sept 4 |
Fall Picnic | Tues, Sept 5 |
Senior Survival | Sun-Fri, Sept 10-15 |
ITED Testing | Tues-Wed, Sept 12-13 |
Class Vespers | Fri, Sept 15 |
ASB Church | Sabbath, Sept 16 |
HOPE Day | Sun, Sept 17 |
Midterm | Mon, Sept 18 |
Senior College Fair | Wed, Sept 20 |
Home Leave | Wed-Sun, Sept 20-24 |
Senior Pictures Due | Mon, Sept 25 |
HOPE Taskforce Sign-up | Wed, Sept 27 |
Alumni Weekend | Fri-Sun, Sept 29-Oct 1 |
Class Elections | Mon, Oct 2 |
School Picture Day | Tues, Oct 3 |