UCA News
This Week at UCA – 12/4/17
- December 4, 2017
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA

Dear UCA Family,
Monday, December 11, we will be praying for the Junior boys, Vicente and Judy Castrejón, and Danae Church. We hope you can join us where you are!
We invite you to join us at the Fox Theatre in downtown Spokane for an amazing concert on Thursday, December 14, at 7:30 p.m. Our students have been working very hard to prepare this program for you, so you are welcome to bring friends and family to enjoy it together! Doors open at 6:30 p.m. There are no tickets, so it is first come first seated. The address is 1001 West Sprague Avenue.
The Concert Class Schedule for Thursday, December 14, is attached. Please notice that 6th and 7th periods do not meet. Lunch will be at 11:32 a.m., and 8th period meets before lunch. All dorm students will need to pack a sack supper during lunch in preparation for going to the Christmas Concert at the Fox. Supper will not be served in the cafeteria.
If you are not able to attend the concert, you can enjoy the program via live-streaming. To view it, please go to www.ucaa.org/live; no password is necessary. Please feel free to invite family and friends who want to view the concert.
Christmas break
Christmas Break begins Thursday night, December 14, after the concert. The home-leave buses will depart UCA on Friday, December 15, at 4:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. (See more information below and bus schedule attached). Classes resume on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3. Dorms open at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 2, 2017. If you have no other option than to return your student to the dorm before 5:00 p.m., the deans are willing to work with you, but please communicate with them before the break begins.
It is imperative that BEFORE TAKING YOUR STUDENT OR ANY OTHER STUDENT FROM THE CONCERT AT THE FOX, YOU CONTACT A DEAN PERSONALLY! We need to know where our students are and who they are leaving with. There will be a dean at each exit door for you to sign out with. Village student performers/parents must sign out with one of the music department staff before they leave the Fox.
Students planning to ride the UCA home-leave buses should reply to the transportation email by Monday, December 11. Departure times have changed to accommodate the earliest available flights. Please note that the Portland bus leaves at 4:30 a.m., and the Walla Walla bus leaves at 6:30 a.m., on Friday, December 15. The CHRISTMAS HOME-LEAVE BUS SCHEDULE is attached.
Basketball – Thursday, December 7
JV Girls vs PCA – 5:00 PM
JV Boys vs PCA – 6:15 PM
Volleyball Intramurals – Tuesday, December 5
8 – Threadgill vs 9 – Clark, 12:20 PM
3 – Heimann vs 6 Frohne and 4 – Geyshick vs 5 – Fleck, 6:50 PM
Winner of 8 & 9 vs 1 – Johnson, 7:15 PM
ThisWkUCA 12.8.17
Menu Dec 3-9
Fox Concert Class Schedule
Christmas Home Leave Bus Schedule
Concert at the Fox | Thu, Dec 14 |
Christmas Break | Fri-Tue, Dec 15-Jan 2 |
Classes Resume | Wed, Jan 3 |
Student Week of Prayer Retreat | Thu-Sun, Jan 4-7 |
First Semester Ends | Fri, Jan 12 |
Rec Ski Retreat | Fri-Sun, Jan 12-14 |
Third Quarter Begins | Mon, Jan 15 |
MLK Day – Regular School Day | Mon, Jan 15 |
UCA Band Clinic | Thu-Sab, Jan 18-20 |
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