UCA News
This Week at UCA – 1/22/18
- January 22, 2018
- Posted by: Adam Colcord
- Category: This Week @ UCA

Dear UCA Family,
Every Monday at 8:00 a.m. some parents and staff members meet in the Ad Building to lift up our school, students and staff, and their special requests in prayer. We hope you will pause for a few moments wherever you are to join us. Next Monday, January 29, we will be praying for the UCA Board of Directors, Charles and Lorna Hartman, and Joe and Chelle Hess.
Our varsity students will participate in the WWU Friendship Tournament held at Walla Walla University this Thursday through Sunday, January 25-28. Students will leave at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday and will return early afternoon on Sunday. To see the schedule/bracket of the games, visit https://wallawalla.edu/admissions/recruiting-events/tournaments/friendship-tournament/online-brackets/. These brackets will be updated as game results become available. To stay on top of the action, follow on Twitter at https://twitter.com/wwutournaments.
REMINDER: In an effort to support our sports program and its ability to continue to participate in the Friendship Tournament as well as support our academics, we are unable to excuse classes for non-varsity students to attend the tournament. However, our students are welcome to go to this event when their classes are finished on Friday, and our teams would be excited to have their fellow students come and support their final games on Saturday night.
For students who would like to go skiing on a one-time basis, the rate for transportation is $20.00 and the ticket is $50.00 + tax per day ($55.00). If interested, you need to get a permission slip from Pastor Sid, fill it out and return it to him with your transportation payment by Wednesday before going. You also need to bring your own sack meals or make arrangements with the cafeteria for a sack breakfast and lunch. Bring a sack supper or money for a Taco Bell dinner on the way home. See you at Schweitzer!
There will be no Sunday school before the February home leave this year. Home leave begins at 12:12 p.m. on Thursday, February 1, and classes resume on Tuesday, February 6. The shortened class schedule for home leave is attached.
Students planning to ride the UCA home-leave buses should reply to the transportation email by Friday, January 26. Please be at the drop-off and pick-up points early. The bus driver is on a very tight schedule and it affects everyone if they wait for late arrivals. Thank you for helping us be on time by ensuring your student is on time. The home-leave bus schedule is attached with cell numbers for the drivers.
Senior Recognition Weekend is February 16-17, and it features an amazing Talent Show on Saturday night. This date is fast approaching and our seniors are eager to show you their talents! They will have beautifully decorated tables close to the stage for you to watch the show more comfortably. These tables include 6 chairs and may be purchased for $75. You may get additional chairs for $10 each to have up to 8 chairs per table. To purchase a table please contact the Business Office at Carol.Ochoa@ucaa.org or Nancy Starr at Nancy.Starr@uca.org. The number of tables is limited and they sell pretty quickly, so reserve yours today!
We need your help for the Senior Recognition Weekend Silent Auction, coming up February 17, 2018. If you have any new items you can donate, gift cards, services, or anything else you can think of, the senior class would love to include those things in the upcoming auction. Please plan to send the items back with your senior when they return from home leave. All items can be given to the senior sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Starr. Thank you very much for your support!
Seniors, if you plan to visit a college in preparation for next year, it is imperative that this happens during the 3rd quarter rather than the 4th quarter, as we want you to graduate!
If your student is needing to miss school for any reason (other than illness), they will need to fill out an Absence Request form and turn it into Administrative Council. This is a form your student is responsible for filling out and can be obtained from the front office. It is imperative for the success of your student that they fill out this form in advance and turn it into the front office in time for Ad Council review on Wednesday, (Tuesday, when home leave is on Wednesday), PRIOR to the date they are requesting to be gone.
Because we value your student’s education so much and want them to be able to complete all required school work in the time frame given and without added stress, especially as the year comes to a close, all students will be required to attend all of their classes the last week of school unless there is a family emergency or specific family event. Please make your plans this year with this in mind to avoid unwanted surprises at the end of the year.
ThisWkUCA 1.26.18
Menu Jan 21-27
Home Leave Schedule
Home Leave Bus
Hope Sign-up | Wed, Jan 24 |
WWU Friendship Tournament | Thu-Sun, Jan 25-28 |
Senior Recognition Talent Auditions | Wed, Jan 31 |
Home Leave | Thu, Feb 1-5 |
Classes Resume | Tue, Feb 6 |
WWU Choral Clinic | Wed-Sat, Feb 7-10 |
Gymnastics Tour | Fri-Sat, Feb 9-10 |
Rec Ski | Sun, Feb 11 |
Midterm | Wed, Feb 14 |
Senior Rec Talent Dress Rehearsal | Thu, Feb 15 |
Senior Rec Weekend | Fri-Sun, Feb 16-18 |
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