Financial and wealth planned gifts help keep UCA operating & enhance the experience of the students at UCA. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can make a difference for students at UCA.
Give a Gift
Giving Back - Helping Students Attend UCA and Keeping UCA Strong!
Your Giving at Work
Annual Giving Fund:
The Annual Fund is the depository of unrestricted gifts to Upper Columbia Academy, funding projects of current need on campus, approved by Administration and the Master Plan committee. Examples of past projects are: Band room expansion, remodeling the Power House, dorm bathroom remodels, new buses, and etc., which facilitate UCA program operation for UCA students.
This fund is a way to show special appreciation to our campus faculty for the untold hours of time and energy that they pour into our young people. This is a way to provide the means to pay for a class they wish they could afford, a particular piece of equipment they would like to integrate into their teaching, or maybe just a gift card to go out to dinner, to re-group. This is a special way to say “Thank You – you are valued.” A most worthy cause.
This fund helps UCA defer expenses from special projects including vehicle maintenance, capital improvements and class projects.
School vehicles are needed for transporting students on class field trips, home leaves, airport drop off and pick up, doctors appointments, and town trips for supplies.
- Needed: Van – mini or full size
- Needed: Car in good running condition (front wheel or AWD) – ours is on life support!
- Needed: 16’ enclosed trailer
Ways to Give
For questions, clarification, or offers of gifts in kind, please contact UCA in one of the following ways:
Phone: 509-245-3614
Automatic monthly credit card gifts can be set up by calling the UCA Business office at (509) 245-3618
Checks can be mailed to:
Upper Columbia Academy
3025 E Spangle Waverly Rd
Spangle, WA 99031